In the Cleft of the Rock

857558_10151531970726614_94533890_oThis picture was taken while my family and I were in Colorado for spring break, in 2011.  I love the shot that my son took, because it displays exactly where I felt I was, spiritually, when the photo was taken.

Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock.  When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.”  Exodus 33:22

Stifled.  Paralyzed.  Defeated.  Isolated.  Stopped in our tracks.  Stuck…between a rock and a hard place…ever been there?

Notice in the above passage, it says the Lord “will put you in a cleft in the rock.”  We don’t go there of our own accord.  He plucks us up, and plants us smack dab where He wants us.  Even in a very tight and uncomfortable place.

Do you know what I mean?  Have you ever found yourself completely yanked out and separated from life as you knew it?  Has God ever placed you between a rock and a hard place?  Backed you into a corner, where there seems to be no way out?  Left you squeezed, even crushed, by heavy burdens?

There are seasons when we simply have nothing left to do but wait and watch God work.  It can be the toughest stretch for us – to stop toiling and spinning – and yet, it is in those times, when we are so completely pressed down by God’s hand, that we can sense His glory passing by.

This phrase, passing by, as used in this passage, is the same “passing by” Christ did when he walked out on the water toward the disciples.  I have been taught that this phrase was used to describe a drawing near so as to reveal oneself, and I get the picture of a groom, who steps forward, and lifts the veil from his bride’s face.   God revealed Himself in passing – showing His divinity in an unquestionable way.

I suspect this was Moses’ experience as well.  God drew so near to Moses that he would no longer doubt His power, and I believe this is what God does for each of us, when we come to a point of complete and utter devastation.  He says, “I will put you in the cleft of the rock, while my glory passes by.”  In other words, I will draw near to you, so you can see and experience the warmth and power of my light and love very personally.

Think of it.

Why in the cleft of a rock?  Perhaps because He knows we’ll be terrified by His glory!  It is said that His glory and presence “was as a consuming fire” to the Israelites.  Who runs toward that?  Nobody!  We tend to run from fire.  We duck and cover!  So He places us where we are completely hemmed in, secure.  And then He reveals Himself in a very personal way – so that we can no longer wonder if He is real, powerful, and present for us.

I’ve been in the cleft of the rock.  I like to think Jesus was there, with me.  After all, He is the Rock of Ages!  When I was in the cleft of the rock, I felt the arms of the Lord wrapping around me.  Holding me close.  Keeping me safe.  And I wept.  Oh how I wept, when I came to realize the Lord had allowed me to endure some difficulties, so that I just might finally see my desperate need for Him.  The nearness of His Presence and the sweetness of His love was unquestionable.

I don’t necessarily like that He works on us this way.  Sometimes I wonder why it can’t all be easy-peasy, cottage-cheesy…(as my kids would say).  But I don’t doubt He knows what He is doing.  I know that He sees what it will take for me to relent my will to Him in all things.  I would never have chosen the course I took in 2010-2011.  It wasn’t any fun.  But I feel I have a masters in Spiritual Endurance Training now.  And isn’t that cool?  Now, I can encourage you with the sweet encouragement I have received.

He can put me in the cleft of the rock any time He wants.  I trust Him.  I hope you will, too.

Watch.  His glory is passing by!  Don’t miss it – if we continue to look inwardly, we will not see Him.  Fix your eyes not on your faith, but on the Faithful One!  If we keep looking at our loss and weakness, we will miss the revelation of His love and power.

Be secure in the cleft of the rock!  Trust that He has placed you right where you are!   Notice that He says “There is a place where you can stand.”  Stand, friend!  Stand up!  Get off the floor from your weeping and look to Him.  As He covers you with the palm of His hand, look up, and see His glory passing by.

About DeDe Gibbs

I desire to live fully animated and motivated by the Holy Spirit - as I run so as to win the prize that lasts! My hope is that others can relate to the things I share, and they would find encouragement here. I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment or email me at: On your marks. Get set! GO!
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